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Karate do Shotokai

Teaching the way of Master Mitsusuke Harada

Keele University

About the club

The club is run by Mr Mark Hallam, (5th Dan Black-Belt) who has been practicing Karate under Master Harada's guidance for many years and who also runs the Staffordshire Uni club seeing many students train from beginner to black belt.

The Club has a large mix of students from beginners right up to black belt level and welcomes new people throughout the year.


The Sports Centre,
Keele University,
Leek Road,


Training Details

Training times (all year round):

  • Tuesdays   7:00pm - 8:30pm in the Gymnasium
  • Wednesday 7.00pm - 8.30pm in the Dance Studio (invite only senior belt practice)
  • Thursdays 7:00pm - 8:30pm in the Gymnasium

Plus Sundays during term-time (Oct-June)

11:30am - 13:30pm in the Gymnasium 


Cost of Training and Membership 2016/2017

Per Session

Annual Club/KDS Membership

Annual Club/KDS Membership + gi (at discount*)

Student Members £2 £25 £30
Public Users £3 £40 -
Staff/Concession £3 £40 -
Keele Uni Annual Gym Members £0    

*Gi alone: £25

('Gi' is the Japanese name for the karate training uniform).

Gym membership: www.keele.ac.uk/sport/fitnesscentrememberships