Teaching the way of Master Mitsusuke Harada
Past experience has shown that people take up karate for many different reasons. Interestingly, the number of people who join to learn self defence by no means represent the majority. Many people join to get fit, some join because it's something different, and so on. Whatever the reason, those that persevere with the practise of karate invariably find it has much more to offer, both physically and mentally, than conventional sports.
Martial arts, like karate, have received considerable attention in recent years, especially through films and television. Martial artists are portrayed as being capable of astounding feats of strength, endurance and super-human athleticism. The reality of the situation is, of course, totally different. Although of course people like Harada Sensei (our style's principle), are enormously gifted, karate will always be within the realms of the possible, where myth has no place.
Since Karate-do Shotokai emphasises mobility, coordination and balance with a relaxed body condition, this particular style of Karate can be practiced by anyone regardless of age, build or sex. However during the warm-up, practice can involve relatively strenuous activity. If there is any doubt about your ability to perform such exercise then the instructor can tailor the warm-up and set of practices to suit your needs. Generally a student who practices regularly will achieve an increased level of fitness at an acceptable pace.