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Karate do Shotokai

Teaching the way of Master Mitsusuke Harada

WS Minutes Dec 21

THE CHRYSANTHIMUM LOGO AND THE KDS ABREVIATION ARE THE OFFICIAL REGISTERED TRADEMARKS OF THE KARATE-DO SHOTOKAI ASSOCIATION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Winter School – Keele - 3rd, 4th and 5th December 2021 DATE OF MEETING: 4th December 2021. ATTENDANCE: Officers of the Management Committee Chairman: Peter Travis (PT) Vice Chairman: Andrew Lightfoot (AL) Administrator: Phil Halsall (PH) - (video) Secretary: incoming Edward Wort (EW) Safeguarding Officer: Neil Cooper (video) Deputy Safeguarding Officer: Gavin Rothwell (GR) - (also member of TE) Summer School Organiser: Joe Cooper (JC) Webmaster: Lindsay Jones Marketing Officer: Ian Mackenzie (IM) - (also member of TE) Coaching Officer: post deleted (Auditor: Phil Avis (video)) Club Representatives Bethnal Green: Stacey Harris Keele: William Miffin-Boukoris London: Jo Woffindon Nomura: Alistair Woodward (video) Technical Executive (TE) members (not already recorded in the above) Adrian Quick (AQ) AGENDA MINUTES Those present: Action By whom? By when? 1. Minutes and matters arising Presented by: Chair Accuracy of minutes. • To be placed on website. Unanimously acceptance of the Minutes • Webmaster • asap 2. Appointment of Officers a. Secretary b. Coaching Officer Presented by: Chair a. a) EW nominated by GR, seconded by JC. Unanimously voted in and given paper and pen. b) Unanimously agreed: Coaching Officer to be removed as duties are already covered by other posts. 3. Update on agreed Focus for 2022 a. Summer School, incl. – see below. b. Promotion of UK courses – see below. c. EKF membership – see below. d. Membership promotion Update from: Marketing Officer. e. Club website update. Update from: Webmaster. d. Marketing: • We shall be continuing with the 100 plus for SSch 2022. • Clubs need to run beginners courses to attract members. See the KDS promotion below. e. Club websites • Many may not be up-to-date. e. Webmaster to remind clubs to update their sites. e. By end Jan. 2022. 4. Focus for 2022, additional area. Proposal from Chair: Improved communication becomes a focus of the Management Committee. To assist this: a. KDS website – improved functionality. b. Confirmation members’ email addresses. c. Complaints/Grievance policy to be produced for consideration. Presented by: Chair. It was unanimously agreed that improved communication be added to the Focus for 2022. 1. Club pages desperately need updating (times, locations, instructors) 2. Inform instructors/club reps via WhatsApp 3. Add Safeguarding Policy and Complaints/Grievance Procedure to website 4. Focus on communications between clubs and Management Committee 5. Thanks to PH for work on instructors WhatsApp group. 6. More use/better website functionality including safeguarding 7. New Vice Chair to be appointed at summer 2022 (PT) 8. Availability of Vice-Chair and subsequent transition to Chair should be advertised on the website. Suggestions welcome (PT). One member has come forward to date. 9. Constitution needs adapting following Sensei’s death and will be at Summer School (PT) 10. AQ to call EGM to address constitution (PH) 1. & 2. Webmaster 3. Chair to review documents and pass to Webmaster to be placed on website. 4. All. 6. Administrator 7. Chair. 8. Chair. 9. Chair TE. 1. & 2. Before the end of the year 2021 3. Before end of 2021. 4. Ongoing. 6. Ongoing. 7. SSch 2022. 8. By end Jan 2022. 9. Early in New Year. 5. English Karate Federation application process, update, including: a. List of current KDS Instructors. b. The gathering of documents - progress, update. c. Clarification over payment for Instructors’ i. PI insurance, ii. Enhanced DBS and Update Service, iii. Safeguarding Course and iv. First-Aid Course. Proposal by Chair: the KDS pays for two instructors per club, thereafter it is for individual clubs to decide whether they will pay for others. d. Other Presented by: Administrator / Chair • Instructors need to contact PH and/or PT if they believe they have been missed off the contact list. • A question has been asked about the current position within the KDS of two former leading-members of the TE. o It is understood that they were still practising, but have chosen not to be members of the KDS (PT). o Southampton club is planning to express appreciation (GR). o KDS members might liaise with GR over this. • Gathering of documents is a lengthy process (PH) • Reasons for the decision to become a member of the EKF include the following advantages: o supported by Sensei (AQ) o ‘legitimises’ the grading by being a part of the national governing body (AQ), o potential funding for grassroots karate as a member of governing body following Olympics (AQ, who proposed approx. 4 years ago), o the KDS, through the EKF, is kept in touch with Sports England; this has been useful for a Covid authorisation perspective and similarly this is helpful from a Safeguarding perspective (PT) Unanimously agreed that Instructor: • insurance costs, • Safeguarding training costs, • First-aid training costs be paid for by the KDS. This is on the following basis: • for 2 instructors per club with up to 10 members, • and for clubs beyond 10 members the KDS will pay for one additional instructor for every additional set of 1 to 10 members. 6. Summer School 2022, update, including a. Memorial, b. Accommodation, c. Marketing for ‘100’, d. Appointment of Vice Chair e. Other Presented by: Summer School Organiser and Chair Summer school 2022: 1. Memorial for Sensei Harada to be included a. Level of formality discussed, including formal black tie at a special venue such as the 50th Anniversary. b. Suggestions for large formal event requested from IM by EW based on 50th anniversary c. Ensure people confirm and pay early, but top-down chasing inevitable (IM) d. “Old boys” to be invited but they cover their own costs (AQ) e. Consider a location off campus for memorial (GR) 2. Accommodation too hot on top floors and too noisy at night because of fans a. JC, AQ, AL and PT spoke with Sheena, it was agreed that top floors will not be used and fans turned off at night 3. Marketing for >100 attendees (PT), Announce at Winter School (AQ) Already actioned a. Aim for >100 required grassroots recruitment (IM) b. Request from LP-J to add information ahead; interviews, testimonies (IM) c. Get as much of a plan as possible from Technical Executive before (JC) d. Get video clip from 2019 event (EW); AQ and GR have copies e. Ceilidh booking postponed, band has deposit but will be happy to return it. Action for JC to forward email to PH f. Summer school booking to be opened 1st Jan (JC and PH to coordinate) 1. SSch Organiser to: i. ‘sound out’ local grand halls. ii. Discuss with Marie her thoughts on the memorial. SSch Organiser to lead on each of these points working with TE Chair, MC Chair and Administrator. 1. Before 1st Jan. 2022. 3. Various dates as appropriate. 7. Course Calendar 2022, update Presented by: Chair Course calendar 2022 available on the website – thanks to LJ, clubs and Marie. 8. Enhanced DBS Proposal by Chair: all UK instructors are required to have the Enhanced DBS not simply the DBS. Unanimously agreed. DBS checks/certificates: • Enhanced DBS through the KDS. • EKF requirements are for Enhanced DBS, but not required by the Welsh national federation for Welsh clubs, however, the Enhanced DBS is to be the KDS requirement for all UK clubs. • All are, following receipt of the Enhanced DBS, to register for the Update Service. • Thanks to PH for chasing and sorting certificates. • PH does all pre-DBS checks. • Work-based Update Service Enhanced DBS may be transferable – to return to this discussion Administrator and Chair. Ongoing 9. Fee-structure clarification Update from: Administrator. Unanimously agreed: Membership promotion (IM): • £40 for 12 months gives: o KDS membership, o insurance, o gi and o 1 month of training • IM’s experience: Approx. 90% of signups stayed on boosting club from 6-8 members to 32 to date • Need to be blanket KDS policy to boost membership (GR) • From this policy, £30 to KDS as membership fee as compromise between £25 and £35 (PH) • Full adult membership rate following first year of the promotion is to be £50. Membership pricing structure (PH): • 2009 prices: £15 junior; £25 student; £40 adult • Proposed but unactioned 2019 prices (Covid plus website access issues), to be actioned 2022 • £15 junior; £30 student; £50 adult Administrator Ongoing 10. Gradings structure clarification. Update from: Administrator Grading: • To check that junior grading fee is £10 rather than the 2022 adult grading fee of £15. • WM-B asked when new grading fee would be actioned – Jan 2022 (PH) • Complete form and fees after grading to be collected by club secretary/instructor and sent to PH Administator For Jan 2022. 11. A.O.B. Finances: • PA/PH KDS was solvent over 2021 by ~£300. Everything is fine – little in or out. Accounts as up to date as possible, little income due and some expenditure for EKF application, • Slight loss (~£200) from summer school 2021, • £200 trademark renewal fee, • No Sensei fees; no instructor fund payment for 2021, • Winter School making a profit, • Money made available for club equipment, £250 spent by Cardiff club PH enquired about savings fund of £20,000? PT and AL to follow up. Chair re. savings fund By end Jan. 2022.